
Paleo Okonomiyaki (Cabbage Pancakes) (Gluten Free, Vegetarian)

By , April 23, 2022

‘Street food, I believe, is the salvation of the human race’ – Anthony Bourdain Over my lifetime I have come to realise that I like street food more than restaurant food, appetisers more than entrees and finger food more than a main course. I don’t know where this is because I like the variety it

Paleo Maple Walnut Biscotti (Gluten Free, High Protein)

By , December 26, 2021

‘You can’t buy happiness, but you can bake biscotti and that is kind of the same thing’ Biscotti is a staple in my Italian in-law’s house. They consider it a compulsory item with coffee and so it is usually the first thing that they eat in the morning. Biscotti was also the first item I

Paleo Gluten Free Bread and Immune Boosting Elderberry Basil Seed Jam (High Protein, Gluten Free, Vegetarian)

By , October 30, 2021

I found this recipe whilst I was in a waiting room, in a clean eating book called, ‘A good food day’.  I liked it as it is a gluten free bread made of minimally processed whole foods, in contrast to the store-bought gluten free breads that tend to have refined starches and chemical additives. The ground

Creole Okra Stew (Vegan, Dairy Free, Gluten Free)

By , July 25, 2020

I love Okra…now, but growing up with my grandma, she used to call these ladies fingers and so I refused to eat them. Ladies fingers are Okra, also known as Bhindi in Hindu.  On the inside Okra has seeds (making it technically a fruit) and is a little slimy, which puts people off. However, it

Smoked chipotle cashew sauce (Vegan, DF)

By , October 13, 2019

‘Food can be expressive and therefore food can be art’ – Grant Achatz I love new combinations and new techniques, it’s like getting new colored crayons as a child, it gives you the sense of endless possibilities. Matthew Kenney’s cook books are art and food; everything is extraordinary in its presentation and I am constantly

Easy Delicious Mango Chutney (V,GF)

By , January 13, 2018

Easy, Delicious Mango Chutney (Vegan, Gluten Free) I love Mango, to me it tastes like nectar from the gods and I honestly prefer it to candy. Whilst I have always been a fan of the mix of sweet and salty, fruit in savoury recipes just doesn’t work for me. I do however think, fruit and

Popcorn Beets

By , April 22, 2017

‘Creativity is a way to share your soul with the world’ This is my healthy vegan version of Amanda Cohen’s popcorn beets, which have been deemed better than popcorn shrimp by the food critics. Mr. B loves popcorn shrimp, so although I haven’t tried Cohen’s dish, I was inspired to make my own version and