
I changed my diet and that helped for a while, but it was only until I started to understand how my body worked
and how to keep both my mind and body in balance, that I truly started to heal”.


Create a comprehensive holstic health plan

Initial Consultation

An initial consultation will require you to fill out a detailed form about your health, habits and family health history.

With the help of this information and follow-up questions, Natasha will analyze this information from an Ayurvedic perspective and provide you with your Dosha/constitution (Prakruti) and any deviation from this (Vikruti).

Holistic Health Plan

She will create a comprehensive holistic health plan that addresses all aspects of Ayurvedic healing techniques (c. 20 pages). This can be used to heal your current condition and to understand what you are prone to and so be preventative for the future.

The fee for the initial consultation includes the report and a 40 minute consultation.

A COVID-19 discount of 20% currently applies until June 30th 2020. Please email for pricing.

Coaching Packages

Coaching packages are also available, which include the initial session plus four follow-ups to help coach you through the different aspects of the plan and to help keep you accountable to the change you wish to see. This package includes recipes tailored to your life-style, preference and dosha.

Corporate Wellness Consulting

Natasha also offers corporate wellness consulting. This can be done in-house or using zoom. With a suggested minimum, 40 minute presentation on how to integrate Ayurveda to maximize mind-body health and personal performance.

For consultation enquiries please email in or fill in the form below:
M O D E R N V E D A @ P L A N T T O T A B L E . C O M