
Persian Cardamom Pistachio Honey Cake (GF, DF)

By , March 15, 2025

‘If you truly hold a stone, you can feel the mountain it came from’ People have always saved scrapes of their experience to help remind them of the forces of life that can’t always be seen. Filled with the timeless rhythm of the ocean, we pocket a shell and carry it thousands of miles to

Double Chocolate Zucchini Muffins (GF, V, NF)

By , February 6, 2025

‘Stop talking, stop thinking and there is nothing you will not understand’ Food for thought Like most people I know, I have the drive to take on a lot and fill every moment. It is only when I slow down enough to feel that I can truly make the right decision. The more I slow

Almond Flour Lemon Yogurt Cake (Gluten Free, High Protein)

By , March 12, 2022

‘Timeless and versatile, almonds are an organic shade that speak to authenticity and all that is natural’ I found this recipe in Goop, when looking for ‘alternative’ flour recipes. I love using almond flour, as it such a wonderful whole food ingredient and brings a natural sweetness to the recipe. Almonds are also full of

Buckwheat Cake (Gluten Free, Vegan)

By , June 12, 2021

‘Ayurveda does not preach some staid chastity or morality of abstinence that prevents you from, enjoying this world and it’s pleasures while you are journeying through it. Ayurveda actually validates it by recognizing it as a rooted instinct that needs expression – a healthy one’  For the last month, I have been interning as a

Cardamom Almond Cake (Gluten Free, Vegetarian)

By , April 24, 2021

‘Love is…serving someone else your last piece of cake’ Today you get two recipes for one, cardamom cake and blueberry, hemp smoothie. Both naturally high in protein and both great for breakfast.  The cake is vegetarian as it has eggs in it, but you can replace the eggs with apple sauce or flax eggs to

Orange Almond Cake (Gluten Free, Vegetarian)

By , April 18, 2021

‘To improve your zest for life, fill it with vitamin C’s – Courage, Cheerfulness, Confidence, Creativity’ This recipe is from Claudia Roden as featured in her book, ‘Middle Eastern Recipes’ in 1968. Roden explains that it was popular among Sephardic Jews who brought it to the Middle East in the 15thcentury. The cake has since