Grilled Eggplant (GF, V)

By , June 20, 2024

‘Rub, smoke, repeat’ I love grilling, especially vegetables. You can change the texture and taste considerably and most vegetables stand up well on the grill. Eggplants are one vegetable that to me taste better once grilled. It is easier to apply the high temperatures you need to get them to soften and cook all the

Fennel Salad with Mint (V, GF)

By , July 10, 2023

‘What are those bulb things you are slicing? You’ve never seen fennel? It looks like celery and tastes like licorice’. Fennel is used as palate cleanser in Italy. It has a sweet mildly aniseed taste that is more interesting to me than celery. I like both to be honest, as does Mr and Baby B.

Watermelon Canape (GF, V)

By , July 30, 2022

‘If you focus only on the seeds of a watermelon, you miss the sweetness of the meat’ I’ve been buying a lot of watermelon to keep the family hydrated during the various heat waves we have had on both sides of the pond. My baby Matteo loves to use it as a teether, my mum

Raisin Cranberry Sauce (Gluten Free, Vegan)

By , April 9, 2022

‘The sweet taste promotes happiness, contentment, calmness, cheerfulness, love and satisfaction in the mind’ – Mudita Institute This is a recipe from Divya Alter’s, what to eat to how you feel. She calls it an Ayurvedic BBQ sauce, but I like to use it as a chutney. It is a sweet-sour combination and the cranberries

Tempeh Banh Mi (Gluten Free, Vegan)

By , July 10, 2021

‘You can make any meal into a sandwich and any sandwich into a meal’ Let’s make sandwiches interesting again…. The Vietnamese Banh Mi is one of most complex and tasty sandwiches I have ever eaten. Typically made with chicken or pork, tempeh makes for a great substitute being a complete protein and having a meaty

Orange-Miso Tempeh (Vegan, GF)

By , February 6, 2021

‘The problem with being an adult most of your life, is not having been a child long enough.’ This is a dish I made for my finals at culinary school. The idea was to be given a restricted list of ingredients and a limited amount of time and to come up with an entrée that

Pulled BBQ Trumpet Mushrooms (Vegan)

By , March 7, 2020

Low fat, high in fibre. Satisfying and satiating, this vegan BBQ bun is great for a meal or a canapé and your meat eating and vegetarian friends will love it just the same. Mr B actually doesn’t like pulled pork due to the fatty texture but he loves these as the strands take on so

Vegan Barbacoa

By , October 20, 2019

‘The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you’ve got to have a what-the-hell attitude – Julia Child 1912 Whether it is in cooking or life, a fear of failure can stop you doing so many things. It’s strange that we develop this much later in life, as we become attached a

Smoked chipotle cashew sauce (Vegan, DF)

By , October 13, 2019

‘Food can be expressive and therefore food can be art’ – Grant Achatz I love new combinations and new techniques, it’s like getting new colored crayons as a child, it gives you the sense of endless possibilities. Matthew Kenney’s cook books are art and food; everything is extraordinary in its presentation and I am constantly

Summer Salad (GF, Vegetarian)

By , July 27, 2019

‘In summer the song sings itself’ – William Carlos Williams This is a beautiful amalgamation of summer delicacy’s that just burst to life on the plate. The peaches came courtesy of a friend from the New Jersey Orchards, the Heritage Tomatoes from the Union Square Farmers market and the basil from my father in laws