10 minute meal

‘Just egg’ frittata

By , October 24, 2020

‘A good breakfast is a start of a good day’ This is a great vegan substitute for eggs. I was inspired to make this, after using the ‘just egg’ product that can be found in your local supermarket. It is made using an ancient Indian method of grinding whole mung beans. I love the product,

Zesty Za’atar

By , September 26, 2020

‘Herbs deserve to be used much more liberally’ – Yotam Ottolenghi I made this Za’atar in class recently and fell in love with the fresh herb mix all over again.  The mix of ingredients plays with your taste buds, with zest from the sumac, depth from the sesame seeds and herbaciousness from the thyme.  I

Oat Breakfast Bar (Vegan)

By , September 5, 2020

‘’I love sleep. It’s like a time machine to breakfast’.  This is a great breakfast bar. It keeps you full the whole morning as it is packed with Oats, which are a slow releasing carbohydrate. I also added cinnamon and nutmeg, which are warming spices and get your digestion and metabolism moving. Mr B noted

Turmeric Vegetable Rice (Vegan, GF)

By , August 29, 2020

‘Good food is very often, even most often, simple food’. Anthony Bourdain This is an easy, one pot dish. It was made by my grandma on fasting days, as it does not contain onions or garlic. Onions and garlic are seen to excite the mind and so are often omitted when fasting. If you have

Chocolate and Cherries (Vegan, Dairy Free, Gluten Free)

By , August 22, 2020

‘Chocolate comes from cocoa, which is a tree, that makes it a plant…chocolate is salad’  Mr B has a sweet tooth and I love finding him dishes that will satisfy his cravings whilst promoting his health. This recipe does that in multiple ways, using pure, high quality cocoa and cocoa butter in the vegan chocolate,

Turmeric Ginger Broth

By , June 14, 2020

‘Soup is a cuisine’s kindest course. It breathes reassurance; it steams consolation; after a weary day it promotes sociability, as a five o’clock cup of tea or the cocktail hour’.  When there is a lot of pressure building in the atmosphere, you can feel it in your body. It builds up like a crescendo and

Date and Banana Porridge

By , May 23, 2020

‘Nothing in this world is as it seems. Except possibly, porridge’ This is such a beautiful sweet porridge, which doesn’t call for any added sweetener due to the natural sweetness that comes from the dates and bananas. I like to make the date-banana paste in batch at the weekend, so I can use it for

Baked Falafel (Vegan, Gluten Free)

By , April 5, 2020

‘God puts rainbows in the clouds so that each of us, in the dreariest and most dreaded moments, can see the possibility of hope’ – Maya Angelou Whilst in quarantine, Mr B and I have been trying to focus on what the quarantine has brought us versus what it has taken away. One of the

Spinach Cilantro Pesto (Vegan)

By , March 30, 2020

‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ The last time I went to the supermarket and left my apartment building was two weeks ago, but even then, pasta sauces had left the building. I guess it is something easy to stock up on that is tasty and comforting. Pasta is also a comfort food of my

Introducing Quarantine Kitchen

By , March 22, 2020

The only thing that is certain is uncertainty You can’t control the situation; you can only control your response You can choose to have a positive or negative perspective Some advice that has helped me during this time; Think about what you need to stay healthy mentally and physically and put in a routine that