gluten free

Stuffed Poblano Chiles with tempeh, vegetables and quinoa

By , October 11, 2020

‘The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice’ This is another recipe that I made at culinary school. I bring it to you because it was the tastiest dish of the day. It also happens to be incredibly well balanced from a

Millet Cakes (Vegan, Gluten Free)

By , October 3, 2020

‘One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well’  – Virginia Wolf This is a new grain and recipe to me. I learnt it in the health supportive program at the institute of culinary education. I hadn’t used Millet before, but this ancient grain has many health benefits and the

Baked Apples (Vegan, GF)

By , September 20, 2020

This is a great dish that Mr. B and I like to eat for breakfast, although they were originally introduced to me as a dessert. We bake them with the skin on, which acts like a jacket to keep the moisture in, in addition to giving you your much-needed fiber. Eating them with the skin

Vine Stuffed Tomatoes (Vegan, Gluten Free)

By , September 13, 2020

This is a beautiful dish, bringing out all the flavors of your summer tomatoes.  It is a traditional Roman dish. In Italy it is simply called, Pomodori al riso.  A similar version is made in Greece using peppers instead of tomatoes.  The trick is to allow the tomatoes to cook slowly so that the rice

Turmeric Vegetable Rice (Vegan, GF)

By , August 29, 2020

‘Good food is very often, even most often, simple food’. Anthony Bourdain This is an easy, one pot dish. It was made by my grandma on fasting days, as it does not contain onions or garlic. Onions and garlic are seen to excite the mind and so are often omitted when fasting. If you have

Chocolate and Cherries (Vegan, Dairy Free, Gluten Free)

By , August 22, 2020

‘Chocolate comes from cocoa, which is a tree, that makes it a plant…chocolate is salad’  Mr B has a sweet tooth and I love finding him dishes that will satisfy his cravings whilst promoting his health. This recipe does that in multiple ways, using pure, high quality cocoa and cocoa butter in the vegan chocolate,

Methi (Fenugreek) Potatoes (Vegan, Gluten Free)

By , August 8, 2020

‘No one who cooks, ever cooks alone. Even at her most solitary, a cook in the kitchen is surrounded by generations of cooks past…’ This is a collaboration between granny and me. She used to make this dish when I was a child. The only switch I made was to sub in sweet potatoes for

Quinoa Kitchari

By , August 1, 2020

‘You are what you digest’ Kitchari is easy on your digestion. Giving your digestion a much needed break, helps you absorb the nutrients in the food at a higher rate and so boosts your body function and immune system. Quinoa Kitchari is a revelation. You get a complete protein from the Quinoa, with added lentils

Creole Okra Stew (Vegan, Dairy Free, Gluten Free)

By , July 25, 2020

I love Okra…now, but growing up with my grandma, she used to call these ladies fingers and so I refused to eat them. Ladies fingers are Okra, also known as Bhindi in Hindu.  On the inside Okra has seeds (making it technically a fruit) and is a little slimy, which puts people off. However, it

Tuscan Baked Beans (Vegan, Gluten Free)

By , July 11, 2020

‘Food is memories, it’s travel, it’s medicine’ I decided to make this dish as this year I will miss out in seeing my family in London and Mr B’s family in Italy. This dish is a fusion between the two, creating a bean’s on toast dish, that is based on a rustic soup from Tuscany.