
Saffron Risotto with sunflower seed parmesan (Vegan, GF)

By , March 13, 2021

‘Did you know that an ounce of Saffron is almost the same as an ounce of gold?!, I’d take Saffron any day’ This is a great recipe from Food Future Institute.  I personally love the use of saffron for the vibrant colour, delicate fragrance and amazing health benefits.  Saffron is a spice derived from the

Coconut Green Beans with Curry Leaves (Vegan, GF)

By , February 14, 2021

‘…smell and taste are in fact but a single composite sense, whose laboratory is the mouth and its chimney the nose…’ This is a beautiful, tasty, fragrant recipe. It’s quick to put together and all in all takes 5 minutes prep and 10 to cook. You are really adding a lot of depth of flavor here through

Sweet Potato & Pumpkin Soup (Vegan, Gluten Free)

By , December 20, 2020

‘A well spent day brings happy sleep’ – Leonardo da Vinci This is a soup that I love to have when I get home in the evening. It is easy on the digestion, satiating and promotes a good night’s sleep.  Pumpkins have long been used as a natural sedative, due to the relatively high content

Kaya (Sweet Potato Coconut Custard) – Vegan, GF

By , November 28, 2020

‘Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom’ This is a vegan version of an Asian coconut jam, typically had for breakfast in Singapore and Malaysia. It is normally made with eggs, sugar and pandan leaves, served on toast slathered in salted butter

Millet Cakes (Vegan, Gluten Free)

By , October 3, 2020

‘One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well’  – Virginia Wolf This is a new grain and recipe to me. I learnt it in the health supportive program at the institute of culinary education. I hadn’t used Millet before, but this ancient grain has many health benefits and the

Mung Bean and Mushroom Burgers (Vegan, Gluten Free)

By , June 27, 2020

‘Eat clean, stay fit and have a burger to stay sane’  This is a healthy, high protein Indian Inspired burger. I created it for the blended burger contest, which is run by the mushroom council and calls for a unique burger recipe with 25% mushroom content. I tend to make Burgers/Falafels/Bites a lot for Mr

Cherry Crumble Bars (Vegan, Gluten Free)

By , June 6, 2020

‘Cherries are the luckiest fruits of all, they are never far away from the one they love’ Isn’t it funny how cherries come in pairs. It’s is such a cute feature of this fruit. They also have a dichotomy as they can be sweet or tart depending on the type. They originate from both southwestern

15 Minute Blueberry Chia Jam (GF, Vegan, No Refined Sugar)

By , August 3, 2019

This recipe is straight out of Bon Appetit. Normally I’ll take a base recipe and adapt it, but this recipe was perfect. Healthy, simple and quick. The Chia acts as the binder, so you don’t need any extra ingredients like pectin. My blueberries were sweet enough, so I only needed the 3-tbsp. maple syrup, but