
Almond Cardamom Cookies (GF, V)

By , December 7, 2024

‘Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive’ I was recently invited to a cookie party. My first one. It called for all bakers to bring their signature cookie to the table and swap cookies and

Nut Banana Cookies (GF, V)

By , November 7, 2024

‘C is for cookie and that’s good enough for me’ – Cookie monster I am on another mission to get more nuts into Baby B’s diet. Since daycare’s quite understandably don’t allow nuts, all his intake has to be at home. He loves cookies, what kid doesn’t? So I thought this would be a fun

Tatsoi with sesame ginger dressing (GF, V)

By , August 11, 2024

‘For happy health, fuel yourself with greens and dreams’ Tatsoi is labelled, vitamin green for its nutrient profile. It is high in calcium and vitamin C as well as folate and iron. The taste is in-between Bok Choy and spinach, and it cooks quickly. Some recipes call for blanching and ice bathing before stir frying,

Bok Choy Soup (DF, GF)

By , July 20, 2024

‘Soup puts the heart at ease, calms down the violence of hunger, eliminates the tension of the day, and awakens and refines the appetite’ – Auguste Escoffier This soup is very quick to make, the broth is flavourful, and you can swap your veggies depending on what you like. You can use chicken broth, to

Broccoli and asparagus soup (DF, V)

By , April 29, 2024

‘The deepest roots, never doubt spring will come’. Spring has so many connotations. It is a time when the earth and our bodies wake up from the long winter dream. It is a time when everything comes back to life. This season in Ayurveda is associated with Kapha and heaviness. It is common for our

French Lentil Salad (DF, GF)

By , March 4, 2024

‘The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes’ Marcel Proust This quote is dedicated to all those who watched the Netflix series ‘you are what you eat: a twin experiment’. The series documents the results of identical genetic twins as they change their diet and lifestyle over

Turmeric Ginger Elixir

By , January 1, 2024

‘The great gift of a spiritual path is coming to trust that you can find a way to true refuge. You realize that you can start right where you are, in the midst of your life, and find peace in any circumstance.’ – Tara Brach I thought this was a lovely recipe to start the

Oatmeal Waffles (GF, DF)

By , January 14, 2023

’Eat waffles, sleep, play, repeat’ Yes, the waffle recipes are back! I have made this one the most recently as Baby B takes them to school with him. They are also great to take with you when traveling in the car. My mum wanted to learn how to make these, so I gave her the

Almond Coconut Chocolate Muffins (GF, DF)

By , December 31, 2022

‘I said to the almond tree, speak to me of God, and the almond tree blossomed’ I love this recipe as it is naturally gluten free with lots of healthy ingredients and an antioxidant bonus from the raw cacao. It is gooey and chocolatey, without having dairy or chocolate. Great for a sophisticated adult dessert