
Persian Cardamom Pistachio Honey Cake (GF, DF)

By , March 15, 2025

‘If you truly hold a stone, you can feel the mountain it came from’ People have always saved scrapes of their experience to help remind them of the forces of life that can’t always be seen. Filled with the timeless rhythm of the ocean, we pocket a shell and carry it thousands of miles to

Sesame Coconut Rose Millet Bar (GF, V)

By , March 8, 2025

‘As each day arises, welcome it as the very best day of all, and make it your own possession. We must seize what flees’ – Seneca As the days get lighter, and the clocks go forward it reminds us of the change in season from winter to spring. We look forward to the warmer lighter

Double Chocolate Zucchini Muffins (GF, V, NF)

By , February 6, 2025

‘Stop talking, stop thinking and there is nothing you will not understand’ Food for thought Like most people I know, I have the drive to take on a lot and fill every moment. It is only when I slow down enough to feel that I can truly make the right decision. The more I slow

Tips for a healthy holiday

By , December 22, 2024

As we move into the holidays, with social and family meets. I thought I would send out a few tips on how to keep your plate and yourself balanced. I was asked to contribute to an article by the lovely Cam Hayes from I will post the link to the full article at the

Almond Cardamom Cookies (GF, V)

By , December 7, 2024

‘Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive’ I was recently invited to a cookie party. My first one. It called for all bakers to bring their signature cookie to the table and swap cookies and

Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies (GF, V)

By , November 23, 2024

‘Bake the world a better place’ More easy and wholesome cookies for the holidays. This one is an oat-based cookie and so a good grab and go for breakfast. It is also nut free. It holds its shape and texture when cool and lasts a while, if in the fridge. It’s a great way of

Nut Banana Cookies (GF, V)

By , November 7, 2024

‘C is for cookie and that’s good enough for me’ – Cookie monster I am on another mission to get more nuts into Baby B’s diet. Since daycare’s quite understandably don’t allow nuts, all his intake has to be at home. He loves cookies, what kid doesn’t? So I thought this would be a fun

Nonna’s Fig Jam (GF, V)

By , September 12, 2024

‘No thing great is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. if you tell me, you desire a fig, I answer you that there must be time. Let it blossom then bear fruit, then ripen’ – Epictetus Mr B’s father brought over fig trees from Italy when he first immigrated