
Fig Jam (GF, V)

By , September 12, 2024

‘No thing great is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. if you tell me, you desire a fig, I answer you that there must be time. Let it blossom then bear fruit, then ripen’ – Epictetus Mr B’s father brought over fig trees from Italy when he first immigrated

Japchae (GF, Veg)

By , June 8, 2024

‘Fill your plate with the colours of the rainbow. What pleases the eye, pleases the body’ I wanted to try a new dish for my little, slowly integrating differentiated foods and was craving a good gluten free noodle dish. I cooked the veggies individually for little as he doesn’t like it when they are all

Scallion Pie Empanada (DF, V)

By , March 28, 2024

Yield: 8-10 ‘The trouble with eating Italian food is that five or six days later you are hungry again’. Easter isn’t Easter in Puglia without Scallion Pie. The traditional pie is unleavened, with a dough made of white wine and olive oil, like Taralli. I made the traditional version during quarantine, and you can see

French Lentil Salad (DF, GF)

By , March 4, 2024

‘The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes’ Marcel Proust This quote is dedicated to all those who watched the Netflix series ‘you are what you eat: a twin experiment’. The series documents the results of identical genetic twins as they change their diet and lifestyle over

Carrot cheesy balls (GF)

By , February 26, 2024

‘Do one thing every day that scares you’ – Eleanor Roosevelt Little has started his fussy phase with veggies. Don’t get me wrong, he eats a lot of veggies, yesterday I put broccoli, salad, corn, and pizza on the table, and he ate it in that order. But there are days where he just doesn’t

Ayurvedic Puffed Rice Snack (GF)

By , October 21, 2023

This dish takes 5 minutes to make and is a great midday snack or breakfast. It is sweet and salty. The spices aid in the digestion of the snack with some additional heated turmeric to help with inflammation. I took this recipe from Divya Alter’s book, how to eat for what you feel. I added

Almond Coconut Chocolate Muffins (GF, DF)

By , December 31, 2022

‘I said to the almond tree, speak to me of God, and the almond tree blossomed’ I love this recipe as it is naturally gluten free with lots of healthy ingredients and an antioxidant bonus from the raw cacao. It is gooey and chocolatey, without having dairy or chocolate. Great for a sophisticated adult dessert

Spinach and Artichoke Dip (GF, V)

By , November 25, 2022

‘If you combine good flavors, food turns into an orchestra’ This is a great dish that has a ton of healthy ingredients but tastes gooey and indulgent. It has layers of deep flavour but is super simple to make. It doesn’t look too fancy, but it was the showstopper at a recent brunch I hosted.