10 minute meal

High Protein Chocolate Chip Cookies (DF, GF)

By , February 2, 2024

‘When you are a mother, you are never alone in your thoughts, you must think once for yourself and once for the others’. This is a recipe my mum saw on British TV. She loves to bake, but I never eat her sweets as I don’t have a sweet tooth and I am gluten free.

Banana Bread Milk (V, GF)

By , January 19, 2024

‘If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.’ – Einstein I thought this was an interesting combination for a bridge between a smoothie and milk. I swapped out maple syrup for dates to make it a little sweeter as my banana wasn’t as ripe as

No Flour Banana Cake (GF, DF)

By , January 13, 2024

‘I cannot always control what goes on outside. But I can always control what goes on inside’. My little has been asked for cake, after having it at a few birthdays and at a few playdates, so I wanted to find a recipe where that I would be happy, he could eat any time of

Cashew Coconut Milk (V, GF)

By , January 7, 2024

‘This place where you are right now. God circled on a map for you.’ – Hafiz This milk is delicious and full of vital nutrients. My little one loves it and it’s great on days he needs something a little supplemental. Nuts are not only full of good fats, they are full of protein and

Turmeric Ginger Elixir

By , January 1, 2024

‘The great gift of a spiritual path is coming to trust that you can find a way to true refuge. You realize that you can start right where you are, in the midst of your life, and find peace in any circumstance.’ – Tara Brach I thought this was a lovely recipe to start the

Ayurvedic Puffed Rice Snack (GF)

By , October 21, 2023

This dish takes 5 minutes to make and is a great midday snack or breakfast. It is sweet and salty. The spices aid in the digestion of the snack with some additional heated turmeric to help with inflammation. I took this recipe from Divya Alter’s book, how to eat for what you feel. I added

Fennel Salad with Mint (V, GF)

By , July 10, 2023

‘What are those bulb things you are slicing? You’ve never seen fennel? It looks like celery and tastes like licorice’. Fennel is used as palate cleanser in Italy. It has a sweet mildly aniseed taste that is more interesting to me than celery. I like both to be honest, as does Mr and Baby B.

Cauliflower Pasta Sauce (GF, V)

By , June 27, 2023

‘The advantage of the cauliflower is that if all else fails, you can always cover it with melted cheese and eat it’. My little one loves broccoli (for now), but he won’t touch cauliflower, so I have been thinking about ways of sneaking it into his dinner. I make a mean turmeric rice (thank you

Italian Green Beans (GF, V)

By , November 26, 2022

‘The delicate sweetness of just picked vegetables, is always worth savoring’ I made this dish for the wider family on thanksgiving, alongside a number of other veggie dishes. This was the only one that was eaten, as apparently you don’t need to eat veggies on thanksgiving unless they have marshmallows on them. It is an

Spinach and Artichoke Dip (GF, V)

By , November 25, 2022

‘If you combine good flavors, food turns into an orchestra’ This is a great dish that has a ton of healthy ingredients but tastes gooey and indulgent. It has layers of deep flavour but is super simple to make. It doesn’t look too fancy, but it was the showstopper at a recent brunch I hosted.