10 minute meal

Fig Jam (GF, V)

By , September 12, 2024

‘No thing great is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. if you tell me, you desire a fig, I answer you that there must be time. Let it blossom then bear fruit, then ripen’ – Epictetus Mr B’s father brought over fig trees from Italy when he first immigrated

Tatsoi with sesame ginger dressing (GF, V)

By , August 11, 2024

‘For happy health, fuel yourself with greens and dreams’ Tatsoi is labelled, vitamin green for its nutrient profile. It is high in calcium and vitamin C as well as folate and iron. The taste is in-between Bok Choy and spinach, and it cooks quickly. Some recipes call for blanching and ice bathing before stir frying,

Pear Chia Pudding (GF, V)

By , July 26, 2024

‘Breakfast is a love letter to your body’ This recipe is from Whole Food Cooking Every Day by Amy Chaplin. This pudding is a low sugar chia pudding are quick and healthy treats. They are 100% fruit sweetened and can be varied with the seasonal produce. Strawberries in the spring, pears in the summer and

Bok Choy Soup (DF, GF)

By , July 20, 2024

‘Soup puts the heart at ease, calms down the violence of hunger, eliminates the tension of the day, and awakens and refines the appetite’ – Auguste Escoffier This soup is very quick to make, the broth is flavourful, and you can swap your veggies depending on what you like. You can use chicken broth, to

Grilled Eggplant (GF, V)

By , June 20, 2024

‘Rub, smoke, repeat’ I love grilling, especially vegetables. You can change the texture and taste considerably and most vegetables stand up well on the grill. Eggplants are one vegetable that to me taste better once grilled. It is easier to apply the high temperatures you need to get them to soften and cook all the

Easy Peasy Chocolate Bark

By , June 15, 2024

‘One bite is all it takes’ I made this for my mother-in-law in lieu of a birthday cake. This is because it is quick and doesn’t have many ingredients, as well as the fact that she LOVES chocolate. This is a fun dish to make with kids as it is easy, and they can customize

Japchae (GF, Veg)

By , June 8, 2024

‘Fill your plate with the colours of the rainbow. What pleases the eye, pleases the body’ I wanted to try a new dish for my little, slowly integrating differentiated foods and was craving a good gluten free noodle dish. I cooked the veggies individually for little as he doesn’t like it when they are all

Agua Fresca (DF, V)

By , May 29, 2024

‘If the ambiance is right, you’ll get high on a mocktail’ The term ‘Agua Fresca’ may be directly translated into fresh water, but that phrase does not fully convey the delicious nature of this drink. The origin of the drink dates to the Aztecs when it was made with seasonal fruits and flowers. I found

Clementine Zucchini Popsicle (DF, V)

By , May 25, 2024

‘Keep your face towards the sunshine – and the shadows will fall behind you’ This is a simple, delicious recipe. You can make it as a popsicle, sorbet or a smoothie. It’s sweet and the zucchini is so mild that you won’t taste it. It’s a great way of getting veggies into your little in