Tofu Nuggets (GF, V)

By , August 21, 2022

‘The mind is like Tofu; it tastes like whatever you marinate it in’. 

This is an extremely simple recipe, to be used as a teether, a protein rich food and a crouton for adult meals, it’s a nice staple as it is simple to prepare and can be used in many ways. 

I made this originally for Matteo, as the marinade is light but ended up using it in salad and a sandwich for Mr. B.

Many people don’t like Tofu as they think it is bland, but I love it as it is a blank canvas and you can paint it to match your recipe or your mood. If this is a piece of art, I would say it is in pastels. 


  • 1lb extra-firm tofu
  • 1 tbsp. maple syrup
  • 1 tbsp. tamari
  • 1 tbsp. rice wine vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. sesame oil
  • ½ tsp. black/white sesame seeds (optional)


  • Place the tofu on a chopping board lined with kitchen towel, cover with more kitchen towel, another board and something heavy to squeeze the maximum amount of water out. 
  • Cut the tofu into 2-inch pieces and place in a container
  • Mix the rest of the ingredients apart from the sesame seeds and pour over the tofu, mix and let marinate for an hour
  • Heat the oven to 400F and place the nuggets on some parchment paper and a baking tray, bake for 30 minutes, turning once. They will firm up more out of the oven, so don’t over bake. 
  • Before baking you can sprinkle sesame seeds on top. If making for a child, I’d suggest not doing that as they will end up absolutely everywhere!!