Ayurvedic Apple Sauce (GF)

By , July 16, 2022

‘’Surely the apple is the noblest of fruits’

This apple sauce is divine and according to my sister-in-law, tastes like Christmas Apple Custard. I made it originally to mix with baby oatmeal for my son but now it is in high demand across the household. 

Not only is it healthy and tasty, but as with all my recipes, it is easy to make. You can also vary the spice infusion, to create different flavour profiles and different energies. I like cinnamon for the morning for example, as it is a heating spice and fires you up for the day. Cardamom I would use for a more calming energy, perhaps for breakfast on the weekends, or for tempering a teething bought. 

Mr. B loves all things American and Christmas, so for him this is what this congers up. Matteo loves anything sweet and from mama. So, this family approved. 


  • 4 sweet apples. 2 peeled, all cored and diced
  • Filtered water
  • 1 tbsp. ghee
  • 1/8 tsp. cinnamon


  • Add the apples to a pot and fill with filtered water to just above the apples
  • Place on a medium heat covered until the apples are soft
  • Let cool and blend with the ghee and cinnamon
  • Store in the fridge in an airtight glass container