‘One should not attend, even the end of the world, without a good breakfast’
I love baked beans. They were a staple of an English breakfast and a comforting, easy dinner when I was based in the UK. They are high in sugar however, so I was delighted to see a recipe for baked beans using natural ingredients and a healthier source of unrefined sugar, whilst at culinary school.
The great thing about these beans is that you can increase and decrease the sweetener to your taste. Using only half the amount of maple syrup works for my palate or substituting brown rice syrup. You can also use any bean you’d like.
Mr. B didn’t grow up with beans for breakfast, more biscotti, but is a fan of these and a more savoury breakfast/brunch.
Serving: 4 cups
- 1.5 cup of small beans (I used Anson Mills heritage red island peas)
- 2 tbsp. white miso
- ½ tsp. sea salt
- ¾ cup tomato puree
- ½ cup maple syrup
- 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard
- Preheat the oven to 325F
- Cook the beans, either in a pressure cooker for 5 minutes or on the hob for c. 45 minutes or until cooked through
- Drain the beans and reserve the cooking liquid
- Mix the miso. Salt, tomato puree, maple syrup and mustard and whisk. Add the cooked beans.
- Bake in a casserole dish, covered for 45 minutes or until the sauce has thickened. If the beans dry out, add a little of the reserved bean liquid.
- Feel free to adapt by taking the sugar level up and down, adding spice/chilli or vegan sausage