Slow baked and marinated watermelon (GF, Vegan)

By , February 27, 2021

‘If you focus only on the seeds of the watermelon, you miss the sweetness of the meat’

I am currently cooking in London for my brother and sister-in-law and am lucky that are opening to trying everything. That has given me license to experiment. These watermelon recipes were born from experimentation, having seen a few posts of delicious vegan sushi treats at one of my favorite restaurants in Miami, Planta. 

These recipes are easy and tasty and bring a sweet, savory combination to the plate. They are great for the spring, as we come out of the darkness and into the sunshine, bringing a little Miami flare.

Watermelon is a diuretic, so good for detox and flushing the system. This makes it great for Pitta and Kapha but can imbalance Vata in excess.  


Baked watermelon

– 1 cup watermelon/1/4 of a small watermelon

– 1 Tbsp. sesame oil

– 1 pinch sea salt

Marinated watermelon

– 2 cups watermelon 

– 1 Tbsp. Toasted sesame oil

– 1/3 cup. Tamari

– 1 Lime, juiced and zested

– ½ tsp. Sea salt

– Pinch of cayenne


For the baked watermelon, cut into 1-inch by ½-inch pieces. Brush watermelon with oil and place on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle with salt. Bake for 2 hours at 180F until a little shrunken and soft. Eat as vegan ‘sashimi’ or use instead of tuna in sushi.

For the marinated watermelon, cut the watermelon into 2cm-2cm cubed pieces. Mix all the other ingredients, adjust for seasoning. Marinate for 2 hours. Serve as you would poke.