Baked Apples (Vegan, GF)

By , September 20, 2020

This is a great dish that Mr. B and I like to eat for breakfast, although they were originally introduced to me as a dessert.

We bake them with the skin on, which acts like a jacket to keep the moisture in, in addition to giving you your much-needed fiber. Eating them with the skin on makes this a low GI dish, without it, it is high GI. So, taking a cue from mother nature here, makes sense!

I filled them with sesame seeds, nuts and raisins, bound with a little maple syrup and finished with a sprinkle of salt. You can change the filling to what you’d like it to be.

They take 5 mins prep and 20 in the oven, making this a no fuss dish.


  • 3 sweet apples
  • 2 tbsp. Sesame seeds
  • 2 tbsp. Chopped walnuts
  • 2 tbsp. Raisins
  • 2 tbsp. Maple syrup
  • 1/8 tsp. Salt
  • 1/2 cup apple juice


  • Score the apples (make a line round the middle with your knife)
  • From the top use a knife to hollow them out keeping the bottom intact. You want them to act as a cup for your filling.
  • Mix all the other ingredients in a bowl and scoop in to fill.
  • Add then to a baking tray with the apple juice at the bottom, just enough to cover the bottom of the tray.
  • Pop in a pre-heated 350F oven for 20 mins or until they are soft
  • Since they expand, once cooled you can quarter then, and the filling will stay intact.
  • Eat on their own or serve with vegan vanilla ice cream