
Beet tartare

By , April 29, 2017

Life is your canvas…paint it with your dreams! My dreams are normally full of food. If you know me well and see me staring off into the distance, you’ll know its because I am thinking about my next meal, the meal I just had or a recipe I am working on. It is therefore natural

Watermelon radish, orange and goats cheese salad (7 minute meal)

By , December 3, 2016

The picture you take of this will be as vibrant as the combination of flavors. I love watermelon radishes and you would have seen them featured on the blog before. They are electrifying to the eye, and whilst there retain that vibrant peppery taste that all radishes do, they are a little more subtle than

Three for the price of one: Falafel, faux liver and vegan meatballs

By , May 23, 2016

This recipe is so fantastic, that it can be used as a raw pate, cooked to create a falafel or turned into meatballs. Unlike a falafel the middle is still soft, which I actually quite like. Other cooks use them as vegan meatballs by enveloping them in a tomato based sauce. I don’t think they would