
Cherry Crumble Bars (Vegan, Gluten Free)

By , June 6, 2020

‘Cherries are the luckiest fruits of all, they are never far away from the one they love’ Isn’t it funny how cherries come in pairs. It’s is such a cute feature of this fruit. They also have a dichotomy as they can be sweet or tart depending on the type. They originate from both southwestern

Power Porridge (Vegan, Dairy Free, Gluten Free)

By , January 4, 2020

‘Every now and then a detox is necessary. Cleanse the toxins from your body and life. That means negativity in all forms.’ After the excess of the holidays, meeting friends and family for drinks and dinner, indulging in the festive foods and snacks that you don’t eat any other time of year, like mince pies

Spiced Tindora (Vegan, GF, DF)

By , November 10, 2019

‘When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use, when diet is correct, medicine is of no need’. Ayurvedic proverb Here is another recipe for those who are interested in learning about some new vegetables with powerful healing properties. I promised my classmates in Ayurvedic School that I would post a few of these to

Blueberry Clafoutis (GF, DF)

By , July 13, 2019

‘One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day’ I get up at 5am to commute to work and so am always looking for dishes that can be eaten on the go. I also buy a lot of fresh produce from the farmers market to prep at the weekend and so am

Garlic Coconut Soup

By , June 2, 2019

‘When love is the base of something, it is a masterpiece’ This is an amazing recipe from David Bouley, it is a base recipe for any vegetarian soup you would like to make. It is silky, rich and delicious. The richness comes from the coconut and the tomato, garlic and shallots add the flavour profile.