
Triple protein chocolate quinoa cupcakes (Vegan, Gluten Free)

By , June 20, 2020

‘Words are like ingredients; it only takes a few simple ones to sweeten someone’s day’ Mr B loves these cupcakes, as he can eat them as his breakfast. They are high in protein due to the double quinoa and almond flour. They are high in antioxidants due to the raw cacao, which also has calcium,

Baked Falafel (Vegan, Gluten Free)

By , April 5, 2020

‘God puts rainbows in the clouds so that each of us, in the dreariest and most dreaded moments, can see the possibility of hope’ – Maya Angelou Whilst in quarantine, Mr B and I have been trying to focus on what the quarantine has brought us versus what it has taken away. One of the

Introducing Quarantine Kitchen

By , March 22, 2020

The only thing that is certain is uncertainty You can’t control the situation; you can only control your response You can choose to have a positive or negative perspective Some advice that has helped me during this time; Think about what you need to stay healthy mentally and physically and put in a routine that