
Triple protein chocolate quinoa cupcakes (Vegan, Gluten Free)

By , June 20, 2020

‘Words are like ingredients; it only takes a few simple ones to sweeten someone’s day’ Mr B loves these cupcakes, as he can eat them as his breakfast. They are high in protein due to the double quinoa and almond flour. They are high in antioxidants due to the raw cacao, which also has calcium,

Date and Banana Porridge

By , May 23, 2020

‘Nothing in this world is as it seems. Except possibly, porridge’ This is such a beautiful sweet porridge, which doesn’t call for any added sweetener due to the natural sweetness that comes from the dates and bananas. I like to make the date-banana paste in batch at the weekend, so I can use it for

Lentil Bolognese (Vegan, Gluten Free)

By , April 11, 2020

‘Per Aspera ad Astra – through adversity to the stars’ Lentil Bolognese is a great quarantine recipe. It is made of pantry goods and leftover or wilting vegetables. I made this in my third week of quarantine when my cupboard and fridge were depleted but it has been one of Mr B’s favourite dishes so

Grounding Spiced Butternut Squash Breakfast Bowl (Vegan, DF, Gluten Free)

By , March 14, 2020

With the changing weather and the fluid situation, I decided it would be a good idea to create something grounding and nourishing. This is consistent with the Ayurvedic principle of balancing your mind and environment using food and herbs. To ground yourself use warming heavier foods like squash, pumpkin and root vegetables and warming spices

Shitake Mushroom Jerky (Vegan, Gluten Free)

By , February 22, 2020

This is one of my favorite snacks. I make it in the dehydrator so I can leave it cooking whilst I am out of the house hunting down new ingredients or my next meal. It can also be made in the oven at a low heat, but in that case, I suggest staying in with

Power Porridge (Vegan, Dairy Free, Gluten Free)

By , January 4, 2020

‘Every now and then a detox is necessary. Cleanse the toxins from your body and life. That means negativity in all forms.’ After the excess of the holidays, meeting friends and family for drinks and dinner, indulging in the festive foods and snacks that you don’t eat any other time of year, like mince pies