gluten free

Wild Rice, Mung Bean, Sweet Potato Salad (Vegan, GF, DF)

By , November 30, 2019

‘Fill your plate with all the colors of the rainbow. What pleases the eye, pleases the body’ I love making food that us aesthetically pleasing as well as tasty. As the saying goes, you eat with your eyes as well as your stomach. Ayurveda goes one step further a says you need to take all

Chickpea Quinoa Cutlets (Vegan, DF, GF)

By , November 23, 2019

‘I have 99 problems, but protein isn’t one’ This is a great protein dense vegan recipe from the blog cooking for peanuts. This is an amazing blog dedicated to plant-based recipes for this amazing woman’s three children. I just added a few extra medicinal spices to adapt to my taste. Plant based foods are rich

Farinata (Vegan, GF, DF)

By , November 17, 2019

‘Cooking is a language that expresses harmony, creativity, happiness, beauty, poetry, complexity, magic, humour and provocation’ – Ferran Adria I recently went to an amazing Vegan restaurant in NYC called XYST created by Matthew Kenney and had this dish for brunch topped with an amazing avocado salad. Mr B loves chickpea and avocado and saw

Baked Bottle Gourd (Vegan, GF)

By , November 2, 2019

‘The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease’. Thomas Edison, 1903 Bottle Gourd, also known as Lauki, Doodhi, Long Melon or Calabash is a vegetable high in water and rich in vitamin

Brussel Sprouts (Vegetarian, GF, DF)

By , October 27, 2019

‘Travel leaves you speechless and then turns you into a storyteller’ Mr B loves Brussel Sprouts, so when we saw these beauties at the farmers market, he couldn’t resist. I am always thinking of new recipes of these interesting morsels and was inspired by a product we bought on our travels in Italy this year.

Vegan Barbacoa

By , October 20, 2019

‘The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you’ve got to have a what-the-hell attitude – Julia Child 1912 Whether it is in cooking or life, a fear of failure can stop you doing so many things. It’s strange that we develop this much later in life, as we become attached a

Banana oat cookies (Vegan, DF, GF)

By , September 29, 2019

‘In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips’ I liked this recipe for two reasons, because the main ingredients are oats and bananas and because it is a blend and bake recipe. It has the same ingredients as your morning porridge but is easier to grab and go. I see this as a

Eggplant Stir-Fry (Vegan, DF, GF)

By , September 21, 2019

‘My cooking is simple ingredients, plus umami’ – Nobu My father in law often delivers me an array of vegetables from his miracle grow garden and baby eggplants are my favourites. They are great as they take very little time to cook and they are oh so cute. This recipe is quick and full of

Indian Tomato Soup (Vegan, DF, GF)

By , September 14, 2019

‘Soup puts the heart at ease…’ Beautiful, vibrant, rich and tasty may be a description of your ideal partner but for me it is what I look for in the perfect dish.  This recipe is actually the recipe for my grandma’s pasta sauce. Every Indian household has one. It’s a kicked-up version of arrabiata, with

Earl Grey Latte (Vegan, DF)

By , August 24, 2019

This recipe is from the first mess, a beautiful blog then book. It reminded me of the tea I had in Tibet over 20 years ago. The tea was made of Yak milk and had a little butter on the top. This sustains the caffeine in the tea. It certainly worked for the people in