Garden Fresh

Eggplant Stir-Fry (Vegan, DF, GF)

By , September 21, 2019

‘My cooking is simple ingredients, plus umami’ – Nobu My father in law often delivers me an array of vegetables from his miracle grow garden and baby eggplants are my favourites. They are great as they take very little time to cook and they are oh so cute. This recipe is quick and full of

Summer Salad (GF, Vegetarian)

By , July 27, 2019

‘In summer the song sings itself’ – William Carlos Williams This is a beautiful amalgamation of summer delicacy’s that just burst to life on the plate. The peaches came courtesy of a friend from the New Jersey Orchards, the Heritage Tomatoes from the Union Square Farmers market and the basil from my father in laws