
Triple protein chocolate quinoa cupcakes (Vegan, Gluten Free)

By , June 20, 2020

‘Words are like ingredients; it only takes a few simple ones to sweeten someone’s day’ Mr B loves these cupcakes, as he can eat them as his breakfast. They are high in protein due to the double quinoa and almond flour. They are high in antioxidants due to the raw cacao, which also has calcium,

Raw Chocolate Fudge Brownies (Vegan, DF, Gluten Free)

By , February 8, 2020

This is super easy blender recipe, that is decadent, rich and gooey. It is a raw recipe so no need to bake but every excuse to eat out of the bowl! You can switch the nuts to others if you prefer, walnuts for hazelnuts is my favourite substitution for the Nutella vibe. I also sometimes