7-minute meal

Power Porridge (Vegan, Dairy Free, Gluten Free)

By , January 4, 2020

‘Every now and then a detox is necessary. Cleanse the toxins from your body and life. That means negativity in all forms.’ After the excess of the holidays, meeting friends and family for drinks and dinner, indulging in the festive foods and snacks that you don’t eat any other time of year, like mince pies

Watermelon radish, orange and goats cheese salad (7 minute meal)

By , December 3, 2016

The picture you take of this will be as vibrant as the combination of flavors. I love watermelon radishes and you would have seen them featured on the blog before. They are electrifying to the eye, and whilst there retain that vibrant peppery taste that all radishes do, they are a little more subtle than


By , January 18, 2016

Chocolate-Coconut mousse I call this coco-loco as it’s crazy chocolatey good! It’s gluten free, dairy free, soya free but oh so full of joy This recipe has been described as tasting like a bounty or mounds for those in the USA It’s a recipe from Sue Quinn’s book sugar free and only has natural sugar