
Mushroom Stroganoff (Vegan, DF, GF)

By , April 17, 2019

‘Winter is a season of recovery and preparation’. Stroganoff is an old classic Russian recipe from the 18th century, that has become popular around the world. You can imagine people eating this dish on a cold snowy day, which is why it has become so popular as a warming winter dish in other places and

Sweet and Sour Mixed Nuts (Vegan, DF, GF)

By , April 17, 2019

This recipe is from season by Nik Sharma, ‘I am an immigrant and I tell my story through food’. This is a beautiful cookbook and a tail of a life and culinary journey through India and America. It is a book that tells the tale of the inherent tension between originality and origin. It is

Pioppini Mushroom Pasta (Vegan, DF, GF)

By , April 17, 2019

The pioppino mushroom is not only known for its delicious and earthy taste and great texture but also pack a series nutritional punch, providing a great source of vitamin D and boasting beneficial bacteria great for improving digestion and overall health. These mushrooms have a valuable amount of bioactive metabolites. These metabolites include agrocybenine with anti

Jackfruit Peking Duck (Vegan)

By , April 17, 2019

My mum used to serve Peking Duck as an intermediary course at her amazing dinner parties. I remember our not so large living room being filled with conversation and laughter as I would go around serve the canapes and my brother would help top up the drinks. My mum was really in her element in

Honey Balsamic Brussel Sprout Tacos (Vegan, DF, GF)

By , April 17, 2019

‘People need to understand the different between wants and needs, I want abs, but I need tacos’ …. with this recipe you can have both! My American husband likes Brussel Sprouts and Tacos, two popular ingredients in the USA, but not two that you normally see together. Given our plant-based diet at home however, I

Mushroom Broth and friends (Vegan, DF, GF)

By , January 10, 2019

‘Nature alone is an antique, and the oldest art a mushroom’  – Thomas Carlyle I love this dish so much that whilst I am writing this, I am making another batch It made my life so much easier this week as I started to commute and needed a nourishing, light meal that took 10 minutes

Squash and Eggplant Gratin  (Vegan, DF, GF)

By , January 5, 2019

‘Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors and let every new year find you a better man’  – Benjamin Franklin Every year people makes lists of resolutions, drink less, eat less, do more exercise. These are really just generalities that you think will make your life better and in some circumstances

Happy New Year!

By , January 1, 2019

  Dear Friends of Tasha. Kitchen, Happy New Year! My wish for you is to Live Better, Strive Harder, Be Bolder, Dream Bigger, Climb Higher and Seek Greater. These too are wishes for myself and in the pursuit of this at the end of the year I took some time out to self reflect on

Delhi Green Beans with Ginger and Green Chillies (Sem Ki Sabzi)  (Vegan, DF, GF)

By , November 17, 2018

This dish is from the north of India and is normally served with lentils, rice and yogurt. My grandma had a special dish for everyone, cheese rolls for my brother, rice porridge for me and green beans for my cousin Sabrina. I actually think Sabrina is the only person I know, as well as my