
Spiced Tindora (Vegan, GF, DF)

By , November 10, 2019

‘When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use, when diet is correct, medicine is of no need’. Ayurvedic proverb Here is another recipe for those who are interested in learning about some new vegetables with powerful healing properties. I promised my classmates in Ayurvedic School that I would post a few of these to

Baked Bottle Gourd (Vegan, GF)

By , November 2, 2019

‘The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease’. Thomas Edison, 1903 Bottle Gourd, also known as Lauki, Doodhi, Long Melon or Calabash is a vegetable high in water and rich in vitamin

Brussel Sprouts (Vegetarian, GF, DF)

By , October 27, 2019

‘Travel leaves you speechless and then turns you into a storyteller’ Mr B loves Brussel Sprouts, so when we saw these beauties at the farmers market, he couldn’t resist. I am always thinking of new recipes of these interesting morsels and was inspired by a product we bought on our travels in Italy this year.

Eggplant Stir-Fry (Vegan, DF, GF)

By , September 21, 2019

‘My cooking is simple ingredients, plus umami’ – Nobu My father in law often delivers me an array of vegetables from his miracle grow garden and baby eggplants are my favourites. They are great as they take very little time to cook and they are oh so cute. This recipe is quick and full of

Rice porridge (Khichuri)

By , September 1, 2019

‘Your voice will always be my favorite sound…’ I lived with my grandma (Bigmama) for part of my childhood and she influenced so many parts of my personality in those former years, including my love of food. For my grandma food was a tool. A means to show love, a way of bringing her family

Summer Salad (GF, Vegetarian)

By , July 27, 2019

‘In summer the song sings itself’ – William Carlos Williams This is a beautiful amalgamation of summer delicacy’s that just burst to life on the plate. The peaches came courtesy of a friend from the New Jersey Orchards, the Heritage Tomatoes from the Union Square Farmers market and the basil from my father in laws

Blueberry Clafoutis (GF, DF)

By , July 13, 2019

‘One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day’ I get up at 5am to commute to work and so am always looking for dishes that can be eaten on the go. I also buy a lot of fresh produce from the farmers market to prep at the weekend and so am

Home made rice cakes (Vegan, GF, DF)

By , June 29, 2019

‘My kitchen is a mystical place, a kind of temple for me. It is a place where the surfaces seem to have significance, where the sounds and odours carry meaning that transfers from the past and bridges to the future’.  Since I became a vegetarian my friends have been asking if I will miss sushi.

Pink Tortillas

By , June 8, 2019

‘Every great dream begins with a dreamer’ This is one of those recipes that I imagined and just had to try out. I don’t know why I dreamed up pink tortillas, perhaps I have been eating too many foraged mushrooms.  Most people I know have never made their own tortilla’s, even if it’s part of

Garlic Coconut Soup

By , June 2, 2019

‘When love is the base of something, it is a masterpiece’ This is an amazing recipe from David Bouley, it is a base recipe for any vegetarian soup you would like to make. It is silky, rich and delicious. The richness comes from the coconut and the tomato, garlic and shallots add the flavour profile.