Flour free

Kitcheree (rice porridge) and Oyster Mushrooms

By , November 18, 2017

Kitcheree (rice porridge) and Oyster Mushrooms I lived with my maternal grandmother (Bigmama) for the larger part of my childhood and she influenced so many parts of my personality in those former years, including my love of food. For my grandma food was a tool. A means to show love, a way of bringing her

Raw Vegan Chocolate Truffles

By , November 4, 2017

Raw Vegan Chocolate Truffles This recipe will blow your mind and challenge you taste buds. My official tasters thought the truffles tasted as if they were made with cream and couldn’t believe that they were actually full of protein and antioxidants They don’t take much time or process and you can roll the base in