Natasha Brunetti

Cardamom Ice-cream (Vegan, DF, GF)

By , October 14, 2018

Cardamom Ice-cream (Vegan, DF, GF) I love the simplicity and pureness of this recipe, filled with amazing ingredients straight from Mother Nature’s door! I adapted this recipe from my plant lab raw desserts classic, bringing a little Indian Flair with the cardamom. If you don’t like cardamom, cinnamon works well or vanilla if you’d prefer

Kale-Kopita  (Vegan)

By , October 6, 2018

Kale-Kopita  (Vegan) This is a great recipe from the kitchen at Vedge in LA. It is a take on the classic spanakopita, (which means cheese filled) and uses tofu as the substitute. As I talked to a few people about this recipe, it became clear that there is a version of this pie across the

Korean Eggplant Tacos (GF, Vegan)

By , September 30, 2018

This is a recipe from the kitchen of Verge in Philadelphia and is a super sexy dish. It has umami from the glaze with the mix of maple and tamari combining well and added depth from the gochujang Because you are only using the inside of the eggplant it is a super light dish, silky

Sweet Potato Tikki  (GF, Vegan)

By , September 22, 2018

Sweet Potato Tikki  (GF, Vegan) One of my dreams is to write a book of recipes that reflect my grandma’s food and mine together. I did think of just writing her recipes down, as that would take up a whole book in itself but with some of the allergies and dietary requirements that have occurred

Beetroot Poriyal (Vegan, DF, GF)

By , September 15, 2018

Beetroot Poriyal (Vegan, DF, GF) This is one of my favourite Indian stir-fries, it’s vibrant, tasty and spicy, everything you want from Indian food, but also healthy, full of vitamins and anti-oxidants, all you want from food in general! It’s origins stem from southern India, where the use of coconut and mustard seeds is much

Stuffed Aubergine (Vegan, DF, GF)

By , September 8, 2018

Stuffed Aubergine (Vegan, DF, GF) This is a recipe that I saw in Vegetarian Living and adapted to add in some Indian Flair to deepen the flavour profile. I had pulled it out the mag with a note to adapt and when my father in law handed me some Eggplant/Aubergine and Tomatoes straight out of

Chickpea Blondies (Vegan, DF, GF)

By , September 1, 2018

Chickpea Blondies (Vegan, DF, GF) Oh so gooey, tasty, yummy, fudgy brownie blondies.. This is an easy blend and bake recipe, so you can do it when whilst you are waiting for the kettle to boil or whilst you are making the kids lunches The Japanese tend to use sweetened bean pastes, like red bean,

Chole Masala (Chickpea Curry)  (GF, Vegan)

By , August 25, 2018

Chole Masala (Chickpea Curry)  (GF, Vegan) Food is love when words are inadequate My grandma always made you feel like she had been waiting for you all day and when you arrived her day was now complete The first thing I had to do after taking off my shoes and putting away my bag was

Vegan Crab Cakes (GF, Vegan)

By , August 18, 2018

Vegan Crab Cakes (GF, Vegan) What to cook for game day? Vegan crab cakes of course! These are a pretty tasty treat, with the heart of palm being the substitute for the crab. However in my opinion this is a case of when the understudy is better than the original actor. I used old bay

Okra Pakora (GF, Vegan)

By , August 11, 2018

Okra Pakora (GF, Vegan) My grandma used to make Pakoras all the time. Here classics were potato, bread with chutney in the middle and chilli (which Mr B would eat till his eyes watered). She also used to make pakoras to use up the leftovers, as she hated waste, so we would get spinach or