Pear Chia Pudding (GF, V)

By , July 26, 2024

‘Breakfast is a love letter to your body’

This recipe is from Whole Food Cooking Every Day by Amy Chaplin.

This pudding is a low sugar chia pudding are quick and healthy treats. They are 100% fruit sweetened and can be varied with the seasonal produce. Strawberries in the spring, pears in the summer and berries or coconut in winter.

Chia seeds contain more omega-3 fatty acid than salmon, contain all 9 essential amino acids, are rich in antioxidants and are loaded with fiber supporting the gut microbiome.


  • 3 pears (ripe but not too soft)
  • ½ cup fresh orange juice
  • ¼ tsp. sea salt
  • ½ cup raw cashews (pre-soaked for 30 mins)
  • 2 tbsp. coconut butter
  • 6 tbsp. chia/basil seeds


  • Add some raw cacao to create a chocolate flavor, some nuts or cacao nibs for texture


  • Peel, core and chop the pears
  • Place the pears, orange juice and salt in a small pan. Bring to a boil and then cover and lower heat for 8-10 mins until soft
  • Remove from the heat and allow to cool
  • Once cooled, added the mixture to an upright blender. Blend with the cashews and coconut butter.
  • Pour into a wide bowl, add the chia or basil seeds and mix with a whisk
  • Place in the fridge once cooled, whisk again in the morning
  • If you find the texture too thick for your taste, add a drop of plant milk
  • Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days.