Pink Tortillas

By , June 8, 2019

‘Every great dream begins with a dreamer’

This is one of those recipes that I imagined and just had to try out. I don’t know why I dreamed up pink tortillas, perhaps I have been eating too many foraged mushrooms. 

Most people I know have never made their own tortilla’s, even if it’s part of their every day meal. I am here to tell you that it is very easy and you can colour them and flavour them with whatever you like. In this round I made pink tortillas and green tortillas with the last of my ramps, which tasted amazing and nicely garlic forward. It might actually be a good business idea. Flavoured tortilla’s, I have never seen them, have you?

Mr. B loves tortillas and will eat them anytime with anything on top. Even if they are pink! I hope you like them too. Give them a try, cook them with your kids and be as creative as you can. 


  • 1.5 cups water
  • 2 tsp. pitaya powder (pink dragonfruit powder)
  • 2 cups masa harina


  • Combine all the ingredients and mix thoroughly until you form a soft dough
  • Divide the ball into 18 equal sized balls and then cover with a damp cloth
  • Working with one ball at a time, line a tortilla press with some parchment paper. Place the ball of masa in-between the two sheets and press until you have a tortilla that measures approximately 5-inches in diameter
  • Heat the skillet to a medium heat and cook for 30 seconds on each side, three times – 3 minutes each in total
  • Cover cooked tortillas with a cloth napkin to keep them soft and warm