Moving to Plant To Table

By , May 27, 2019

Food For Thought

My wish for you is to Live Better, Strive Harder, Be Bolder, Dream Bigger, Climb Higher and Seek Greater.

My vision is to help people create food that is delicious, easy to make and high in nutrition, so that food once more becomes a vehicle to fuel your body, mind and soul.

I have always known the linkages between food and disease and seen its power to heal and to hurt not only in my own life but those of my family and friends. In 2018 I decided to take my knowledge seeking one step further and formally study the correlation through Cornell’s Center for Nutrition Studies. In addition, I have been reading formidable texts such as, How Not to Die (scientific evidence on the top 15 diseases and how to use nutrition to prevent them) and Brain Maker (how your gut health is linked to your brain heath). 

The evidence clearly points to one central diet to maximize health and reverse preventable disease. A whole food plant-based diet. More plants and whole grains, less animal-based protein and processed foods. This way of eating is the best way to boost nutritional density and support your immune system. 

Your immune system has always been responsible for and done a great job of regulating and healing your body. Cut your finger and watch that miracle happen in less than a day. When did we start accepting the notion that our bodies were created to fight against us?

We need to start thinking about the root cause of health issues and our food as our primary healthcare system. After all, you are what you eat.

Medication, illness and side effects detract time and energy away from our central purpose.  It is time to take back the responsibility for our health and to allow our bodies to do what they have always done, heal.  

Thomas Edison (1903) ‘The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease’

Ancient ayurvedic text (BC) ‘When food is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need’. 

Hippocrates (370BC) ‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food’

These are not new concepts but as we continue to see an increase in illness, disability and death from preventable diseases they are needed now more than ever.

Since you have been following Tasha.Kitchen you will have noticed that my recipes and diet have moved in this direction already. In moving the blog to Plant To Table this is a formal recognition of this, as well as a mission to share some of the research and knowledge I have gained. 

It has been said ‘it is harder to change a man’s diet than his religion’ and I understand the ties we all have to food, the heritage, the comfort, the controllable in the midst of a less than controllable world. I will take on these challenges and create recipes that are healthy and comforting, delicious and nutritious. If you send me your favorite dishes, I’ll help you make a healthy version. I look forward to taking this journey with you.

Yours faithfully,

Natasha Brunetti