Paneer/Tempeh Lollipop

By , May 19, 2018

Paneer/Tempeh Lollipop


This was a canapé that I served at my Indian Fusion Tapas party

It can be made using paneer or tempeh if you want to make a vegan version. It is super easy and fun visually – we all have a little artist in us, trying to get out!

You can also increase or decrease the spice levels, depending on who is coming to dinner. Mr B likes the highest spice levels possible and if he had it his way, this dish would be just a chill pepper covered in sesame seeds!


  • 1 block paneer/tempeh, cut into rectangles
  • 1 tsp. coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp. organic ketchup
  • 1 tsp. Sriracha
  • ½ tsp. tamari
  • 2 tbsp. white sesame seeds, lightly toasted
  • 2 tbsp. black sesame seeds
  • Hand full of bamboo skewers


  • Cut the paneer/tempeh into rectangles, important for the sesame layering
  • Mix the ketchup, Sriracha and tamari, marinate the paneer in the mixture for 10 minutes
  • Heat the oil and sear the marinated paneer/tempeh on all sides
  • Let cool and place on bamboo skewer
  • Paint with leftover marinade to act as an adhesive
  • Sprinkle white sesame seeds on half the piece, turning as you go
  • Do the same with the black sesame seeds
  • Serve as a lollipop for a fun canapé