Socca Pizza (Gluten free,vegetarian)

By , February 12, 2017


This week in Boston was one of those weird weather weeks that everyone has been expecting all year but is surprised when it comes. The snow fell so quickly and heavily that you couldn’t see in front of your face, all forms of transport ground to a halt and you felt like you were trapped in a snow globe (could make for a good Disney film).

These are the weeks when I get home and dinner is like a cooking competition based on the ingredients you have left in the fridge and cupboard. Gluten free pancakes are perfect for a day like this, as they provide such an amazing culinary canvas to which you can add whatever you colours and tastes you have in stock that day.

Last week I blogged a Vietnamese version and this week I am featuring an Israeli version called Socca. You get to become a worldly cook with Tasha. Kitchen, right from the warmth of your home!

Socca is made of chickpea flour and so tastes a little like hummus. It’s a great base and travels well so you can make mini ones with any leftover batter and use them in substitute to bread. I used leftover rounds and made Mr B a hummus sandwich for lunch the next day, literal chickpea heaven!

Use whatever topping you like making it whilst the batter is hydrating to save time. In doing this, this recipe will take you less than 30 minutes, including setting the table and having a cup of tea!


For the pancake

  • ¼ cup chickpea flour
  • ¼ cup of water or dairy free milk
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ tsp. turmeric
  • ½ tsp. coriander
  • ½ tsp. cumin
  • Salt and pepper to season
  • 1/1 tsp. coconut oil


  • Switch the coriander, turmeric and cumin for any other spice combination you may prefer, like oregano and basil or just salt and pepper if you prefer

For the topping

  • Pea shoots (or any other green leafed vegetable)
  • Enoki mushrooms (or any other mushroom)
  • 1 tbsp. vegan cream cheese (optional)
  • 1 tsp. roasted pine nuts and sunflower seeds


  • Start by whisking together the chickpea flour and milk and let it sit for 15 minutes or more to hydrate
  • Use this downtime to cook the vegetables and mushrooms in a little coconut oil
  • Beat the eggs into the batter and season with the spices
  • Warm up a frying pan to a medium-high heat and add a little coconut oil
  • Pour in the batter (all of it) and let it spread to the sides
  • Cook for several minutes until it is nearly set
  • Flip it over and cook on the other side for a few minutes (if you are not comfortable with flipping it, then place it under the grill for 30 seconds or until firm)
  • When the pancake is evenly bronzed, plate, spread on the vegan cream cheese and dress with the vegetables
  • Add the pine nuts and sunflower seeds for texture and serve

This recipe was inspired by a recipe in Healthy-ish the new Bon Appetite magazine