Vegan Banana-Mango Ice Cream

By , November 26, 2016

Processed with MOLDIV

This must be the easiest recipe yet. Its super sweet and creamy and feels indulgent when all you are eating is a bowl of fruit, making this ice cream suitable as a desert but also a breakfast (and a good way of fooling your kids into eating something healthy…).

Once you have tried this once and seen how easy it is, you can have some fruity fun as you can interchange pretty much any fruit for the mango, as long as you keep the banana as the base. Other recipes, such as matcha and lavender can also be made but need a few more ingredients, so watch this space.

Easy, sweet and healthy, it doesn’t get better than that!


  • 2 bananas (ripe works best)
  • 1 mango


  • Peel the bananas, slice them, and place slices in a freezer bag. Freeze for at least two hours
  • Repeat with the mango
  • Place bananas in a blender or food processor with the frozen mango
  • Blend until smooth
  • Enjoy immediately or place in a tub to enjoy for weeks