Courgette (Zucchini), Feta and Brown Rice Torta (Pastry-less quiche)

By , August 26, 2016


Processed with MOLDIV

Quiche without pastry, whatever next?!

I found this recipe in my favorite magazine from the UK, (Grazia) that my mum is kind enough to send over with friends and relatives in amazing care packages, which also include delights such as earl grey tea, Waitrose chef ingredients and M&S underwear.

The magazine always includes a new and ‘up and coming’ healthy food blog and a few of the featured recipes. This recipe caught my eye as it looks like a quiche but has no pastry and so is good for those who are gluten free. It also uses sheep cheese, so good for those who are lactose/cow milk sensitivity.

The blog is a feel good life style blog;

The only adaption I made was to substitute wild rice for brown rice, as I personally prefer the taste and texture.


  • 300g brown rice/wild rice, cooked and cooled
  • 130g feta sheep cheese, crumbled
  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil, melted
  • 400g (4-6) courgettes, cut into ¼-inch slices
  • 6 large eggs, lightly beaten
  • Small bunch fresh basil leaves (picked, washed and finely chopped)
  • Salt
  • Black pepper


  • Heat oven to 180C/ 350F
  • Coat a casserole or quiche dish with the coconut oil
  • Combine the cooled rice and half of the feta cheese in a bowl and then press firmly into the dish
  • Steam the courgette slices until al dente (5 minutes or so). Then press the corgette slices between paper towels to remove excess water and combine it in a bowl together with the other half of the feta cheese and season to taste with salt and pepper, place this mixture evenly over the rice.
  • Using the same mixing bowl, add in the eggs and basil, stir well and then pour the mixture over the courgette layer
  • Bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes or until golden and the eggs have cooked through
  • Leave for 5 minutes to cool down before serving