
By , January 18, 2016

Processed with MOLDIV


Chocolate-Coconut mousse

I call this coco-loco as it’s crazy chocolatey good!

It’s gluten free, dairy free, soya free but oh so full of joy

This recipe has been described as tasting like a bounty or mounds for those in the USA

It’s a recipe from Sue Quinn’s book sugar free and only has natural sugar in it

It takes 5 minutes to make, all in a blender and a few hours to set if you prefer it solid


  • 200g pitted fresh dates
  • 400ml coconut cream
  • 50g raw cocoa
  • 1 tsp. organic vanilla extract
  • 3 tbsp. melted coconut oil
  • 60g raspberries

(Optional extras: You can use more coconut flakes for the topping instead of raspberries or strawberries for a classic valentine dish)


  • Blitz the dates to a paste in a food processor
  • Add everything else, except the extra raspberries and blitz until smooth
  • Pour into 6 ramekins and chill for a few hours to set
  • Serve topped with raspberries and a mint leaf
  • Its better than….chocolate 😉