Arepas (corn cakes)

By , December 6, 2015


On of the advantages of moving to the states, is the plethora of South and Central American Street food, most of which is gluten free!

Arepas are Venezuelan and I remember eating them in Peru. My husband ate them in Boston, from a street vendor and raved about them. My thinking is anything that can be made on the street can’t be too difficult, so I took on the challenge 🙂

It’s a simple recipe, like a basic bread, and just takes a little patience in the cooking stage as they are once cooked and once baked

I tend to cook up a batch and use them just like bread, as either a sandwich or a soaker-upper



  • 2.5 cups of lukewarm water (600ml)
  • 1 tsp. vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 2 cups (250g) pre-cooked white cornmeal (I use PAN-Harisa de Maiz)

(Optional extras: I add a little cheese and chilli flakes into a second batch I made to add a little kick)


  • Start with 2.5 cups of warm water
  • Add the salt and oil
  • Then start pouring in the cornmeal, mixing it in as you go
  • I found it easier to use my hands for the dough
  • Mix the dough adding flour till you have a bread like dough
  • Take enough dough to make a ball in your hand, similar to a small bread roll and then flatten it out (see pictures)
  • Place them on a non-stick frying pan on medium head (or add oil if not non-stick)
  • Cook them on both sides till you have a little brown crust forming (10 minutes) and then place in the oven to finish them off (10 minutes) to make sure they have baked all the way through
  • Serve hot and will a little salted butter