Watermelon salad

By , September 18, 2015

Refreshing umami

This is a refreshing salad, nicely balanced to give a subtle umami taste

I have tried versions of this, at restaurants through the summer and served it myself at a number of BBQ’s

Its gluten, soy and nut free and takes less then 5 minutes to put together


  • Half a watermelon, balled or chopped into 2cmx2cm cubes
  • 200g goats cheese feta, cubed
  • 2 jalapenos, chopped, minus the seeds
  • A handful of mint leaves, c. 20, torn

(Additional options: add some red onion, salt, pepper and olive oil-Jamie Oliver or black olives Nigella Lawson style)


  • Prepare the above and mix together
  • Enjoy!