Nutritious Natural Nut-ella

By , July 8, 2015

This was another American adventure, given that Hazelnuts are not called Hazelnuts in the USA, they are called Filberts. When I asked the guy for where to find Hazelnuts and he said Filberts, I thought he was introducing himself, and so introduced myself and asked again. He thought I was a little odd to say the least!

The advertising would have you believe that Ferrero’s Nutella is made of milk and hazelnuts and is a great source of protein for your kids. Unfortunately, if you look into the ingredients (this takes a bit of digging), you find that the dominant ingredient is sugar and the second is palm oil, creating a 55% sugar and 30% fat product, more akin to a chocolate bar. It provides little in the way of nutrition and only contains 13% hazelnuts in fact.

This is a great recipe; it doesn’t have much process and is full of super foods

The recipe is taken from ‘I quit sugar’

In my opinion it also tastes better than the store bought version, but that is just my opinion!

Go on, indulge your health and self….

Processed with Moldiv

Processed with Moldiv


  • 135g hazelnuts
  • 125ml coconut milk
  • 80ml rice malt syrup (or alternative natural sugar)
  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil
  • 30g raw cacao powder
  • 1 tbsp. vanilla powder/essence


  • Preheat the oven to 180c. Bake the hazelnuts on a tray for 8-10 minutes until browned (this smells great)
  • Rub off most of the skins (you don’t have to be too precise)
  • Grind the nuts in a food processor until smooth
  • Add the remaining ingredients and process until well mixed
  • Add extra coconut milk if you want a thinner mixture
  • Store in the fridge