Raw Fennel Salad

By , April 30, 2015

This is another one for the picnic series

It is taken from the Salad & Vegetable pocket book by the River Café, which was given to me by a lovely foodie friend.

It’s fresh and refreshing and takes 3 minutes to make

Don’t worry too much about the sizes, cut the fennel roughly and large or small and fine. The lemon, olive oil and Parmesan are a lovely complement. If you are nervous about combining the ingredients, just do it a little at a time starting with the lemon, then the parmesan then the oil.


1 Fennel bulb
25g parmesan –shaved (this means thin pieces of parmesan, but don’t worry too much as it is more about the taste)
2-4 tbsp. Lemon Juice
2 tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
(Optional extras: the recipe calls for 2 tbsp. lemon juice but I used 4 as I like it a bit more lemony, add two and then add a little at a time to taste)


Cut the bottom off the fennel bulb and discard
Cut the green herby tops and chop finely
Chop the fennel into c. 1cm pieces. Combine.
If you want to save time, put the herby tops and fennel into a blender and pulse slowly till in roughly 1cm pieces, or a size at which you would want to eat them
Place into a bowl, add the lemon juice and olive oil and mix together
Season to taste
Serve with the parmesan shavings