Chewy Chia Chocolate Biscuits

By , April 19, 2015

These biscuits taste great and are full of super foods

No slapped hands when the kids go near the biscuit jar, you can actively encourage it!

This was inspired by a deliciously Ella recipe, but adapted to take account of the blog comments to make it a more consistent and easier recipe

I don’t have a sweet tooth, but even I like these as they taste like dark chocolate!


  • 1 cup of almonds
  • 1 cup of walnuts
  • 1 cup of buckwheat flour (I made my own by blending sprouted buckwheat till it formed a fine powder)
  • 3 tbsp. date syrup (can use honey or pure maple syrup)
  • 6-8 medjool dates
  • 6 tbsp. water
  • 3 tbsp. raw cacao powder
  • 3 tbsp. chia seeds
  • 2 tbsp. coconut oil


  • You can use Quinoa flour or another gluten free flour instead of buckwheat
  • You can interchange the natural sugar, the original recipe used maple I used date.
  • I find it better to soak to chia seeds in water before using, the original recipe just added the chia and water separately
  • You can interchange the nuts, I used walnuts and almonds but the recipe used hazelnuts and almonds


  • Soak the chia seeds in the water for 10 minutes (this forms a natural glue, so you get a less crumbly biscuit dough)
  • Place the sprouted buckwheat in a blender and blend until fine. If using gluten free flour just place this in the blender.
  • Add the nuts to the blender and blend until fine
  • Add all the remaining ingredients and blend until a sticky dough comes together
  • Pre-heat the oven to 180c
  • Scoop a tbsp. of the mixture into your (clean) hand and roll into a ball, then flatten this with your hands and place on a baking tray lined with grease proof paper (remember this will give you uneven biscuits so you need to remove them from the oven as soon as they start to brown)
  • Keep doing this until you have finished the mixture
  • Bake for 15-20 minutes at 180c until the cookies are slightly browned and firm
  • Leave to cool
  • Once cooled place in an airtight jar.
  • These are full of super foods and healthy so you don’t have to keep them on a high shelf away from the kids, they can have as many as they want!