Raw hazelnut power bar

By , March 26, 2015

This is one of my own recipes.

It has been described as an energy bar that tastes like a Ferrero Roche.

It is pure and therefore good for you versus other 4pm treats.

Its simple but it works.

Distribute the bars to your friends and aim for comments like, ‘this is so good I could sell it commercially’, ‘the ambassador would love this’ and ‘will you marry me’!


  • 12 large dates
  • 3 tbsp. hazelnuts
  • 2 tbsp. hazelnut butter


  • Soak your dates if you have time as it makes them easier to work with. If they are very soft already or you don’t have time don’t worry about this step just put them in the blender.
  • I toasted the hazelnuts for a deeper taste, but you can skip this step too and just add them into the blender
  • Add the hazelnut butter
  • Blend all the ingredients together
  • Taste and add more of any of the three ingredients to your taste
  • Place in a baking tin filled with foil and push down to make into a brick. Once cold take out and slice into bars.